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Making the ordinary extraordinary and laughing all the way

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Winter is my excuse...

Although I am not one to revel in the cold weather (in fact I am feverishly counting the days until Spring as we speak), I have found that winter can be good for some things.

Such as an excuse for:

  • Hodge-podge parking (otherwise known as make your own parking space when you can't see the lines, as close to the building as possible is encouraged)

  • Glowing white skin is accepted; no more dealing with pesky, stinky and sometimes orage self-tanners!

  • Laziness--what else is there to do when it's so cold outside?

  • Weight-gain; who can tell with the layers and layers of clothing, besides it seems like light years until warm weather anyway...worry about it then.

  • Drinking mass quantities of coffee, tea and other hot beverages--gotta warm up inside, right? No one notices the caffeine jitters, they think you're just cold.

  • Saving money-- who needs to buy so many razor blades to shave?

What's your 'blame it on the winter' excuse?

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